Welcome to the Aljazera Mukafaat Loyalty Program, this is a customer reward program created for our loyal customers to offer them exclusive benefit while shopping in our stores.
To become a member of Mukafat, you need to register in “Aljazera Mukafaat” application available on Play store and APP stores, register and you become our exclusive member of our loyalty program.
As a Loyalty customer, you save more by taking advantage of exclusive discounts on selected items aimed for the Mukafaat loyalty customers only.
This is Exclusive reward program created for our loyal customers to offer them exclusive benefit while shopping in our stores.
As a Loyalty customer, you save more money by taking advantage of huge discounts on selected items aimed for the Mukafaat loyalty customers only.
To become a member of Mukafaat, you need to register in “Aljazera Mukafaat” application available on Play store and APP stores, register and you become our exclusive member of our loyalty program.
Your Mukafaat Loyalty Account can be accessed through Aljazera Mukafaat Mobile App.
Once you login to your account, please fill the mandatory fields and you will become the member of our exclusive Aljazera Mukafaat loyalty Club.
Our sign in process is very simple. We make you free from password hassles. If you are already a member, after you download the app,
Login in your AlJazera Mukafaat Mobile App, Click Left hand menu or click on profile image on Top right most corner of the screen, click on update button.
You have wide range of benefits becoming the Mukafaat Loyalty Member.
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